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Hamblingreen's Projects

Linux and C development

Please visit any projects below that seem interesting to you, and leave a feature request or issue. Merge requests are even better!


Mobile linux UI that runs in the framebuffer and is efficient, minimalistic, scriptable. Forked from Miles Alan's project. Works best on the Pinephone.

Simple C Programs

A collection of exercises from Steve Oualline's book, Simple C Programming. My sumbissions are made to be as simple and well-documented as possible. They include an imperial-to-metric unit converter, a date calculator, a serial data transfer speed calculator, and a sales tax calculator.

AUR Packages I Maintain

mepo, dotool, numen, vosk-api-bin, pinedio-lora-driver-git, fluxcomp, netsurf-fb, moon-buggy, libnsfb, pinephone-call-audio, nrf5-sdk. I have a systemd timer set up that activates nvchecker-notify to let me know of any upstream repo tags, but it never hurts to mark a package out-of-date just in case.